Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Violation And The Protection Of Privacy - 725 Words

In today’s world the increased dependence on technology and the internet in particular, has transformed both the violation and the protection of privacy. Some might argue that the concept of universal individual privacy is nonexistent today; but on the other hand the global privacy rights framework has never been so sophisticated. We exchange personal information for sheer ease of use and more personalized services. This is the kind of exchange we readily approve of on the internet on a daily basis. Accepting the terms and conditions of the privacy policy agreement of say Facebook or Google; gives them access to your preferences and interests leading to a more enriched and involved user experience. We seldom think of the implications of just handing over the access to our personal data especially on the social media but computer scientists and policy experts believe that such innocuous bits of self-revelation can be amassed overtime and reassembled by computers to help create a picture of a person’s identity. The crux of the argument is, your personal information is less valuable to you than it is to companies who come up with increasingly invasive techniques to fish data from the user. To fully understand the privacy bargain everyday on the web, let’s take a look at a simple policy agreement. ‘By reading the above article, you give company X complete control to view and examine your choices, to sell knowledge gained and supply it to a third party without limitation.’Show MoreRelatedThe Implications Of The Hipaa Privacy And Security Rules And Its Impact On The Health Care Industry1616 Words   |  7 PagesThe Consequences of Noncompliance Introduction This paper is about the changes in the HIPAA Privacy and Security rules and its impact on the health care industry, this paper will show how the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) is increasingly modifying the Act to match the technological advancements within the health arena. The paper will also elaborate on some of the consequences of violating HIPAA and some case examples are cited in this paper. 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